Diagnosed With Dupuytren's Contracture? What Should You Know About This Condition?

If you've recently been provided a tentative diagnosis of Dupuytren's contracture, you may be relieved to finally give a name to the gradually worsening pain and stiffening you've been experiencing in one or both hands for years. Both Dupuytren's contracture and its lower-body equivalent, Ledderhose's disease, are generally benign but can lead to functional problems and serious pain over time if left untreated. Read on to learn more about these conditions and what you'll need to do to find some relief. [Read More]

3 Things To Expect When You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a very routine procedure for an oral surgeon, but it is still something that you personally have never experienced before. Because of this, it is important that you do all that you can to prepare. Knowing what to expect when you have your wisdom teeth removed can provide you with a great deal of comfort and help you feel more prepared for the procedure. This article will discuss 3 things to expect when you have your wisdom teeth removed: [Read More]

3 Important Things To Know About Milestones With Babies

During the first couple years of your baby's life, you will bring him or her to the pediatrician's office many times. These pediatrician visits have multiple purposes, and one is to determine if your child is developing at the right pace. Doctors determine this in several ways, but a common method is by asking you questions related to milestones. What Are Milestones? If you are a new parent, you might not yet know a lot about your child, his or her development, and how to be a good parent, but you will learn little by little. [Read More]

Dismantling Some Common Myths About Cannabidiol

If you are concerned about some of the rumors that you have heard about Cannabidiol, make sure that you are getting the truth about this amazing product. CBD is at the center of some highly worrisome and untrue myths, and teasing out the truth about CBD could change your mind about integrating it into your own daily routine. Some common myths about Cannabidiol (CBD) include: CBD and marijuana are the same thing. [Read More]