Why You Should Consider Working With A Certified Health Coach

Are you looking to improve your health in the New Year? While it's pretty easy to join a local gym, perhaps you want to go above and beyond this year to make sure you really get back on the right track. Here's how hiring and working with a certified health coach could benefit you. More Than Working Out  Heading to the gym and getting on the treadmill or onto the bench press is certainly better than sitting on the couch, but truly better health involves so much more than just exercise. [Read More]

Physical Therapy Helps You Cope with Hip Pain

Hip pain is common in men and women for a variety of reasons. Weak muscles, overuse, arthritis, and various injuries can all lead to hip pain. While many people simply take medication to manage the discomfort associated with their condition, physical therapy is a more comprehensive approach that works to address not only the symptoms but also to provide lasting relief. Physical therapy helps you cope with hip pain in several ways. [Read More]

Orthopedic Issues: Do You Need Surgery?

Orthopedics is the field of medicine that diagnoses and treats problems with your joints, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and bones, which are collectively known as the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic problems are common, especially as people age. If you have trouble in one of these parts of your body, it's a good idea to consult with an orthopedic specialist. One question that frequently arises for orthopedic patients is whether surgery for their condition is the best option. [Read More]

Why Great Personal Care Helps Seniors Avoid Illness

Seniors can sometimes find it more difficult to engage in adequate personal hygiene. Some seniors have mobility concerns, and others might find it difficult to remember to engage in bodily hygiene. Whatever the problem is, a senior wellness care service will be able to help your loved one overcome their struggles when engaging in daily care routines. Overcoming Memory Issues Sometimes it can be difficult to engage in regular tasks. A senior might post reminders so they can remember to complete day-to-day tasks, but it might still be difficult to remember to perform tasks such as doing your laundry. [Read More]