Sports Therapy For Knee Injuries

Whether you play football, basketball, baseball, or any other sport, you know that injuries are a common occurrence. When someone becomes injured while playing sports, there's always highly qualified staff available to help players get treatment as soon as possible. Knee injuries are extremely prevalent when it comes to sports related problems, and the severity can vary from mild pain and swelling to as serious as needing surgery. Sports therapists can help athletes with these issues in a variety of ways. [Read More]

How To Recognize A Potentially Dangerous Mole

At their core, moles aren't a scary thing, as they are typically small, harmless growths on the skin. However, in a few rare cases, a mole can be quite dangerous, as it can be a sign of a cancer known as melanoma. If you have moles on your body, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the signs of a dangerous mole. Changing Moles Once a mole is formed on the skin, it pretty much stays the same. [Read More]

Carb Addict? 3 Dietary Changes To Fight Cravings

Many people love various forms of carbohydrates and may even describe themselves as carb addicts. Unfortunately, too many carbs on a regular basis will often pack on the pounds and can increase your chances of developing diabetes. If you want to reduce your carb intake or need to for medical reasons, there are ways to ease yourself into a healthier lifestyle. Reduce Carbs Slowly You may have tried reducing your carb intake by suddenly eating little or no carbs. [Read More]

Mohs Surgery: One Of The Best And Oldest Forms Of Skin Cancer Treatment

In the 1930s, Dr. Frederick Mohs worked hard to develop an effective method for treating skin cancer, and the method he developed is called Mohs surgery. If you are diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer, your doctor might recommend using Mohs surgery to treat it. Even though this method was developed almost a century ago, it is still one of the most common treatment options for skin cancer. [Read More]