Doctor Owned And Operated: 3 Reasons Physician-Owned Hospitals Benefit Patients

After the Affordable Care Act of 2010 placed several restrictions on physician-owned hospitals, including bans on expansion and new construction, some doctors worried about how their hospitals would fare. However, despite these stumbling blocks, physician-owned hospitals have thrived in the last few years. And that's good news for patients seeking personalized, high-quality care. Read on to learn more about three ways in which physician-owned hospitals directly benefit patients. Flexibility [Read More]

7 Medical Supplies Every Parent Should Have At Home And In The Car

When you think of medical supplies for your children, items like colorful band aids and peroxide usually leap to mind. However, in the event of a real emergency, there are seven lifesaving medical supplies that every parent should keep at home and in the car. CPR Kit A CPR kit is essential and could be lifesaving in an emergency. While you don't have to have a CPR kit to administer CPR, the items included such as a mask can make breathing for another person more effective. [Read More]