Too Much Of A Good Thing, Or Not Enough? What Water Means To You And Your Personal Trainer

Water is one of the most basic building blocks of life, but knowing how much is enough and how much is too much has been a point of contention in the personal training world. If your personal trainer is particular about your water consumption, learn the differences between extreme water abstinence and over-hydration. Your personal trainer should be somewhere in between. "Don't Drink the Water" There was a time when trainers instructed their athletes to avoid drinking water during workouts. [Read More]

4 Diabetes Foot Care Tips

When you have diabetes, caring for your feet is especially important to reduce the risk of injury and infection. There are ways you can gently take care of your feet and minimize injury from simple activities. Trim Nails When Soft It is common for diabetics to have thick, brittle nails, which can making trimming difficult or dangerous. Trim your nails weekly to prevent overgrowth and make the process easier. Before trimming your nails, allow your feet to soak as long as necessary to soften the nails. [Read More]

Understanding Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a condition in which a woman who has never had diabetes before becoming pregnant begins having problems with high glucose levels towards the end of pregnancy. It is estimated that 9.2% of pregnant woman experience gestational diabetes. This condition can be dangerous to you and your growing baby, so your ob-gyn will monitor you during your pregnancy. Continue reading to learn more about gestational diabetes:   Glucose Level Testing [Read More]

Pediatric Speech Therapy: It's Not Just For The Classroom

As a parent, you wait with baited breath for your child's first word. In fact, you may find yourself encouraging momma over daddy or vice versa. When that first word is delayed, hard to understand, or even absent, anxiety can set in. Pediatric speech therapy can help a child who is struggling to speak to communicate more effectively. In addition, it can help a parent learn tactics that positively reinforce a child's attempts at speech. [Read More]