Six Things You Shouldn't Assume About Customized Autism Therapy

Autistic children should undergo therapy to allow them to prevent their autism from holding them back in life. If you are the parent of an autistic child, you should be well-informed about the many benefits of customized autism therapy. The following are six things that you shouldn't assume about customized autism therapy.  Customized autism therapy is meant to cure autism Although a customized autism therapy program can be highly effective at improving the lives of individuals with autism, such a program shouldn't be looked at as a cure for autism. [Read More]

Cardiac Rehabilitation: What To Expect After Surgery

Having major cardiac surgery is just one part of an overall strategy to save your life and reduce the chance of subsequent cardiac events. Cardiac rehabilitation may start soon after surgery to strengthen your heart and return you to normal activities. Lifestyle Changes Your rehabilitation team will want to go over your current behaviors and suggest modifications and medical intervention, if needed. If you engage in heavy alcohol use or smoking, it will be critical to change these behaviors. [Read More]

Benefits Of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

As people age and go through menopause, their hormone levels decline, especially estrogen. Hormones can also become unbalanced as a result of certain injuries, medications, or surgical procedures. Low levels of circulating estrogen can cause major symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, and thinning bones. Traditional hormone replacement therapy is often recommended to ease the symptoms of fluctuating hormones, however, traditional hormone replacement therapy can be risky for some people. [Read More]

Prepping For A Colonoscopy: What To Do The Night Before

The night before your colonoscopy can be a stressful time, but it is important to be prepared to make the experience go as smoothly and comfortably as possible. Here are some tips for what you should do the night before your colonoscopy procedure. Avoid Eating Food After Midnight Your colonoscopy will likely take place in the early morning, so make sure you avoid eating food after midnight the night before. This will help ensure that your colon is clear, which is important so that the doctor can see all of the areas of your colon during the procedure. [Read More]