4 Things To Know About Getting Lasik Eye Surgery

Your eyes are your gateway to see the world.  It's important to maintain the health of your eyes as much as possible. If you can't see well, you may want to consider having Lasik eye surgery to help you improve your visions problem. Getting this medical treatment may immediately improve your vision and allow you to see up close and far away with ease. Knowing specific things about this surgery can better prepare you for what to expect. [Read More]

Family Counseling A Must For Your Withdrawn And Anti-Social Teen

If your teen has been acting out at school, or has been withdrawing from family and friends and it worries you, you should try family counseling. There are many ways you can benefit from going to counseling together as a family, because it allows you to see things from a different perspective. There are problems that your teen could be facing now that can affect them long into the future if they aren't treated, and her are just a few of the benefits you may experience as a family when you do group and individual sessions. [Read More]

Gluten-Free Almond Cookies You Can Bake This Christmas

More people everyday are discovering they have celiac disease. The next step in dealing with a newly-discovered gluten intolerance is finding foods you can safely eat that do not contain gluten. Fortunately, with more attention on celiac disease today, more gluten-free food is available to buy in the stores and in restaurants. Just because you have a gluten intolerance, does not mean that you still can't enjoy some of your favorite foods, so here is a recipe for delicious gluten-free almond cookies that you can bake at home for Christmas. [Read More]

The Benefits Of Electronic Health Records When Working In Behavioral Health

Treatment for mental health conditions often involves trial and error with medications. With the use of electronic health records, it is easier for all providers to have immediate access to medications prescribed. This reduces the amount of medication mistakes that can occur when trying to treat complex behavioral health problems. Anti-Psychotic Medications Need Careful Monitoring Specifically in the case of patients that require the use of anti-psychotic medications, electronic health records are essential. [Read More]