When you clear up your acne, you can breathe a sigh of relief that your skin is clear and you can finally put your best face forward. But sometimes, acne's hold on your life doesn't end when the pimples stop appearing. Acne scars can last for years, continuing to mar your appearance. What can you do about these acne scars? Read on to find out.
Fading Creams and Solutions
There are several over-the-counter fading creams that can be purchased in the drugstore.
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Have Osteoporosis? 3 Tips For Minimizing Your Chances Of Spinal Fractures
Osteoporosis significantly increases your risk for spinal fractures in addition to fractures in other bones of your body. If you have low bone density, there are steps you can take to help minimize damage to your spine.
Be Meticulous About Your Treatment
Your doctor may have prescribed a medication to help thicken your bones. The medications typically used for osteoporosis are bisphosphonates, which are commonly prescribed as a large monthly dose.
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What Is Causing Your Respiratory Symptoms?
It's springtime and the living is stuffy. You have congestion, sneezing, and drainage, so you figure allergy season has struck with a vengeance. Since you are not a professional, you may be misinterpreting your symptoms. As a result, you need to know the difference between allergy symptoms and those of other respiratory issues.
Respiratory allergies are caused by pollen, mold, dust mites, and other triggers in the air that you breathe.
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Cervical Cancer Vaccine: Is It Really Necessary for Your Tween?
If your family doctor offers your tween daughter the cervical cancer vaccine, you may wonder if it's really necessary for her to get it. Although the vaccine may seem scary to you and your loved one, it may actually protect your daughter from a number of conditions, including cervical cancer and vaginal cancer. In addition, the cervical cancer vaccine may prevent cancer of the neck and head. Here's how cervical cancer develops and how the cervical cancer vaccine works.
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