Tips to Help Keep Your Skin Healthy and Radiant

The largest and fastest organ on your body is your skin according to the American Academy of Dermatology. With this now on your mind, you may want to think about taking better care of it to keep it looking healthy, hydrated, and radiant. After all, you take good care of the other organs in your body like eating healthy for your heart or drinking plenty of water to help your kidneys function properly, so why not take that same care with your skin. [Read More]

5 Tips To Avoid Sports Injuries

Playing sports helps you stay in good shape and develop leadership skills, but it can also increase your risk of injuries. If you are not careful, it is possible to sprain an ankle, twist a muscle, or endure other painful injuries. Whether you are a cross country runner, cyclist, or rugby player, taking extra precautions can help you avoid getting hurt. Here are five helpful tips for avoiding sports injuries: [Read More]

Starting Your Day Right: 3 Morning Routines That Will Combat Depression

Even if everything may be going right, you can still suffer from depression. Depression is becoming a major issue in America, affecting roughly 20 million people each year. If you're sick of feeling hopeless, helpless and down, it's time to become your own savior. While there are plenty of self help books out there, most professionals recommend taking action to start your day right, as it can have profound effects on your struggle with depression, and your ability to conquer the day. [Read More]

3 Medical Conditions That Can Result From Physical Inactivity

In today's society, many people lead sedentary lifestyles. Our busy and hectic lives often involve long periods sitting at desks and traveling in cars, meaning that many of us fail to get enough physical exercise. While finding the time to exercise may be difficult, physical inactivity can pose serious risks to your health. As well as being linked to obesity, physical inactivity can also increase the risks of serious medical conditions. [Read More]