Health Medical

Four Simple Cosmetic Dental Procedures That You Won't Have To Go Under The Knife For

Cosmetic dentistry goes much deeper than just dental implants. There are several other options if your smile is just a little crooked or your white are just a little off color. From bleaching to bonding, there is something for everyone when it comes to getting that perfect smile. Below is a list of the most common and simple procedures that a dentist, such as New Image Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, can do to make your smile bright and beautiful.

Menopause Around The Corner? 4 Changes You Can Expect

When they refer to menopause as "the change" they aren't kidding. Your body is going to go through so many changes. You may be looking forward to the end of your periods, but you probably aren't looking forward to the physical and emotional changes that accompany menopause. In fact, you might not even be aware of all the different changes that you're about to endure. You probably know about the hot flashes but you might not know about some of the other changes you're going to have to deal with.

Two Maintenance Tips For Your Ultrasound Machine

Ultrasounds have become a routine part of almost every pregnancy, and it is no secret that these are highly complex and expensive machines. Unfortunately, some clinics may not follow the best maintenance practices, and this can significantly reduce the lifespan of the system. Luckily, there are a couple of tips you can follow that will help your ultrasound equipment avoid some common issues.  Monitor The Condition Of Any Visible Wires

Gluten-Free Almond Cookies You Can Bake This Christmas

More people everyday are discovering they have celiac disease. The next step in dealing with a newly-discovered gluten intolerance is finding foods you can safely eat that do not contain gluten. Fortunately, with more attention on celiac disease today, more gluten-free food is available to buy in the stores and in restaurants. Just because you have a gluten intolerance, does not mean that you still can't enjoy some of your favorite foods, so here is a recipe for delicious gluten-free almond cookies that you can bake at home for Christmas.

The Benefits Of Electronic Health Records When Working In Behavioral Health

Treatment for mental health conditions often involves trial and error with medications. With the use of electronic health records, it is easier for all providers to have immediate access to medications prescribed. This reduces the amount of medication mistakes that can occur when trying to treat complex behavioral health problems. Anti-Psychotic Medications Need Careful Monitoring Specifically in the case of patients that require the use of anti-psychotic medications, electronic health records are essential.

Doctor Owned And Operated: 3 Reasons Physician-Owned Hospitals Benefit Patients

After the Affordable Care Act of 2010 placed several restrictions on physician-owned hospitals, including bans on expansion and new construction, some doctors worried about how their hospitals would fare. However, despite these stumbling blocks, physician-owned hospitals have thrived in the last few years. And that's good news for patients seeking personalized, high-quality care. Read on to learn more about three ways in which physician-owned hospitals directly benefit patients. Flexibility

7 Medical Supplies Every Parent Should Have At Home And In The Car

When you think of medical supplies for your children, items like colorful band aids and peroxide usually leap to mind. However, in the event of a real emergency, there are seven lifesaving medical supplies that every parent should keep at home and in the car. CPR Kit A CPR kit is essential and could be lifesaving in an emergency. While you don't have to have a CPR kit to administer CPR, the items included such as a mask can make breathing for another person more effective.