4 Unexpected Signs Of A Sleeping Disorder
When you think about the signs of a sleeping disorder, you might think about long, sleepless nights and days that are filled with exhaustion. Although these can clearly be signs of insomnia and other sleep disorders, you should know that they aren't the only symptoms that sufferers often have to deal with. These are a few unexpected signs that could mean that you need to see a physician about your sleeping habits yourself.
1. You Have a Caffeine Addiction
Many people drink coffee and soda all day long without giving it much thought, but if you are drinking a lot of caffeine each day, you could have a sleep disorder. Many people rely on caffeine to get through their days without ever realizing that they simply aren't getting enough sleep at night. On the other hand, some sleep disorders can actually be triggered by excessive consumption of caffeine. Either way, if you consume multiple caffeinated beverages on an average day, it's probably a good idea to talk to your physician about it.
2. You Snore
Snoring is more than just an embarrassing habit or something that might annoy your spouse or partner. In many cases, it's a sign of a sleeping disorder like sleep apnea. If you've been told that you snore, or if you wake yourself up in the middle of the night with your snoring, then it's a good idea to talk to a physician about the possibility of a sleep disorder.
3. You Have Intense Daydreams
You might think that daydreaming is just a part of your nature, but if your daydreams are extremely vivid and intense, then you could actually suffer from narcolepsy or another sleep-related issue. Dreaming as soon as you fall asleep or having really strange dreams on a regular basis can also be signs of a problem.
4. Uncomfortable Legs When You Lie Down
If you just feel like you need to get up and move when you relax on the couch, you shouldn't just assume that it's your go-getter nature. It could be a sign of restless leg syndrome, which can get in the way of you getting the proper amount and type of sleep each night.
5. You Work a Strange Shift
Your body's natural clock is designed for you to sleep during the evening hours and to stay away during the day. If you work a night shift or other strange shift, then it could be causing sleep problems that you don't know about, even if you've been working the same shift for years. Talk to your physician like one from Billings Clinic about ways to ensure that you're getting proper rest when you aren't on the clock.
As you can see, sleep disorders aren't always obvious. Even seemingly normal habits and feelings can be signs of sleep disorders, so make sure that you talk about these things with your doctor to rule out the possibility of any problems that could be affecting your nightly rest.