Health Medical

Morning Hip Stiffness: What Is It And How Do You Fight It?

If your hips feel stiff in morning, even after seemingly sleeping soundly during the night, you may wonder what's going on with your health. Although stiff joints and muscles are often associated with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, it may not always be the case. These types of conditions create problems in multiple body areas and not just your hips. Other factors may be reasons for your stiffness, including sleeping in the same position all night long and overexerting yourself during exercise during the day.

Does Your Spouse Need To Give Up Alcohol? Get Started With Basic Recovery Options

Have you noticed that your spouse has a drinking problem, and it's time for them to get clean? If so, you can enroll them in different programs to help them get sober, and to help them start living a lifestyle that both of you can be proud of. Here are a few things that you'll want to look into so your spouse can put down the bottle and start living their life.

Assisted Living Employment Is Ideal For Many And Possibly You Too

Assisted living employment could benefit individuals from various walks of life. Perhaps this is a career path you have considered or been curious about in the past. The following information will offer you more insight about this career path and unique circumstances that can make it rewarding. You have aging parents or loved ones. Assisted living employment can get you prepared for taking care of aging relatives. The experience you gain can also help you to take care of disabled loved ones.

Knowing If Your Middle Schooler Needs Mental Health Counseling: Tips For You

When you have a child going through middle school, you may find yourself on a constant roller coaster of changing tastes, opinions, and emotions right along with your child. However, it can be very difficult to tell when your child's mood swings, sullenness, and other adolescent behaviors are just typical of middle school adolescence and when they are something more that could require mental health counseling. Get to know some of the signs that your middle school child is in need of the assistance of a mental health counselor so that you can be sure that you are taking the best possible care of your child at all times.

When Should You Schedule Your Infant's First Chiropractic Adjustment?

If you're a regular patient at your chiropractor's office, you may have increased the frequency of your visits after becoming pregnant, taking advantage of your chiropractor's skilled adjustments to ease pain and pressure on your lower back and other joints. While chiropractic treatment during pregnancy can offer many benefits, having adjustments performed shortly after birth can also be beneficial to your infant. How soon is too soon to schedule his or her first chiropractic visit?

Essential Strength Training Exercises Featuring Exercise Balls For The New Mom After A C-Section

Whether your Caesarean Section was a planned or emergency procedure, it is important to remember that you had many muscles, connective tissues, fat cells and the uterus itself cut through to deliver your child. While some moms who experienced vaginal deliveries have been able to start light exercises like walking and stretching soon after childbirth, your doctor is much more likely to forbid it until your six-week checkup and you may need to see a physical therapist if the muscles don't heal as they should.

How To Change Your Lifestyle To Make Egg Donation Simpler

Egg donations mean that you will be giving the gift of a child to a couple that may not be able to have one. Couples that have issues with infertility or male couples who need egg donors to produce a child are looking for individuals who can help make their dreams come true. Egg donations will mean that you have to go through a number of tests, procedures, and remain on certain medications.

Considering A Tummy Tuck After Gastric Bypass? Should You Have Breast Augmentation As Well?

If you've recently lost a significant amount of weight following gastric bypass surgery, you may be enjoying shopping for smaller clothing and participating in activities that were previously too difficult due to your size. However, losing major weight can sometimes leave you with sagging excess skin, and you may be considering following up your gastric bypass surgery with a tummy tuck to remove this lower stomach flap and leave you with the flat belly you've always wanted.

How Can You Get Rid Of Acne Scars?

When you clear up your acne, you can breathe a sigh of relief that your skin is clear and you can finally put your best face forward. But sometimes, acne's hold on your life doesn't end when the pimples stop appearing. Acne scars can last for years, continuing to mar your appearance. What can you do about these acne scars? Read on to find out. Fading Creams and Solutions There are several over-the-counter fading creams that can be purchased in the drugstore.

Have Osteoporosis? 3 Tips For Minimizing Your Chances Of Spinal Fractures

Osteoporosis significantly increases your risk for spinal fractures in addition to fractures in other bones of your body. If you have low bone density, there are steps you can take to help minimize damage to your spine. Be Meticulous About Your Treatment Your doctor may have prescribed a medication to help thicken your bones. The medications typically used for osteoporosis are bisphosphonates, which are commonly prescribed as a large monthly dose.