Obtaining Dental Records To Complete Dental Implants After A Move
Completing the dental implant procedure can take quite a long time. Having to allow the implant enough time to heal properly before it can be completed can sometimes complicate matters if you are planning to move far from your current home.
If you are putting off getting a dental implant because a distant move is coming in the near future or are in the process of completing the implant procedure, there are a few things that you should know about gathering the records required for a second dentist to complete the implant procedure flawlessly.
How are dental record copies obtained?
Exactly how you go about obtaining your dental records varies from practice to practice. In some cases, you will need to make a trip to the office, sign release documents and wait as your records are prepared for you. Other practices will send you a release by mail, have you sign and return it and then your records come to you in the mail. The final option that some practices offer is electronic release and transfers. This is done via email and can be done very quickly.
To learn how your dental office handles the release of dental records, call and talk with them.
Is there a fee for obtaining dental records?
Again, this varies from practice to practice. Sometimes, you will be charged a flat fee for preparation and printing of the documents and other times, you are charged varying fees for exactly what goes into preparing the records for you.
You will have to discuss the fees for duplicating the dental records with your dental office to learn exactly what you will have to pay.
Is it possible to duplicate x-rays?
Yes, x-rays can be duplicated. In many dental offices today, digital imaging is used for the x-rays, so the images can be saved to a disk or thumb-drive. Some dental practices allow you to bring your own disk or thumb-drive to have your records and x-rays loaded onto, but others will not allow that to avoid the potential malware and virus risks. In that case, you would be given the option of buying a disk or thumb-drive from the dental office to have the files transferred onto.
Can copies of dental records be refused?
Technically, yes, a dental practice could refuse to release your dental records. The records are the legal property of the practice, but rarely will a dentist refuse to release records unless you refuse to pay the fees attached to the service or if you have an outstanding balance that you haven't attempted to pay.
Finding another dentist to complete your implant procedure will be much easier if you come with your records and x-rays in hand. This will help your new dentist understand what was done, why it was done and how to complete the procedure efficiently. Contact your local dentist, like Bruce Mathes DDS or a similar office, for more tips and information.